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Jim Walton’s Political Party: Republican or Democrat? - Celeb Answers
When the younger generation’s donations are included, the family was giving almost as much to Democrats as to Republicans from 2016 to 2018. In a study by the Education Next Organization, the line between Republican and Democrat support is again blurred. This time, all contributions from grantees and organizations employed by the Waltons were ...

Jeff Bezos' Political Party: Republican or Democrat? - Celeb Answers
He has also thrown his weight towards causes that are largely supported by democrats, but then towards other causes that are backed by Republicans. Bezos’ Support for Both Political Parties. In 2012, Bezos made a $2.5 million donation to Washington United for Marriage who was running a campaign to have same-sex marriage legalized in the state.

Joe Rogan’s Political Party & Views: Republican or Democrat?
However, just because the award-winning former UFC commentator has never publicized his support for the Republicans or the Democrats, he has talked about his own nuanced political outlook on numerous occasions. He also regularly explores the strengths and weaknesses of both the Republican Party and the Democrat Party.

Jon Stewart’s Political Party: Republican or Democrat? - Celeb Answers
American comedian TV personality Jon Stewart is known for his unapologetic humor and pointed opinions on American politics and culture. But which way does the

Is David Muir a Republican or Democrat? - Celeb Answers
Despite Muir’s effort to maintain impartiality, it is believed by many that the journalist is a Democrat. Muir’s employer, ABC, is known to be left-leaning and employees have donated over $1 million to the Democratic party, compared to less than $150,000 to the Republican pa

Elon Musk’s Political Party & Views: Republican or Democrat?
Open Secrets, which regularly publishes lists of political donations, shows that Musk has donated a relatively even amount of money to both of America’s major political parties.

Ashton Kutcher’s Political Party: Republican or Democrat? - Celeb Answers
Ashton Kutcher has described himself as a ‘fiscally conservative, socially liberal independent’, but leans toward the Democratic party. He has shown support in the past for Democrats such as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, and distaste toward Republicans like Donald Trump. Ashton Kutcher | DFree / Shutterstock.com

Which Political Party Does Conan O’Brien Support? - Celeb Answers
Comedian, talk show host, and America’s favorite redhead, Conan O’Brien’s hosting career has spanned three decades. He’s known for his spontaneous and

Is Ted Turner a Democrat or Republican? - Celeb Answers
Turner, The Environmental Activist. Turner, now 81, has taken a step back from the media in the past two decades to shift his focus on the environment and the whopping 2 million acres of land he owns (if you didn’t know, he’s the second-largest private landowner in the US).

Nancy Pelosi’s Political Party: Republican or Democrat? - Celeb Answers
After the 2018 midterm elections, where the Democrats regained control of the House, Pelosi resumed her position as Speaker. Political Views. One of the key influences in Pelosi’s decision to pursue a political career was, she says, her role as a mother. “It always bothered me, my whole life, that one in five children in America lives in ...




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